Human Design Compatibility in Relationships

“Is my Human Design compatible with my husband’s Human Design?” 

This question (or some version of it) is something I’ve been asked countless times. 

I’ve done a lot of Human Design readings.

And I mean A LOT. 

At the time of writing this, I’ve done well over 300 private readings. (And that doesn’t count all the mini-readings I’ve done as a guest expert for various mastermind and virtual retreats, or in my various programs.) 

And I’ve probably heard this question about 80 times. (I haven’t been keeping track of how often it’s asked, but believe me when I say it’s frequent.) 

I get it. It’s a valid question.

Especially since Human Design is such a powerful tool for understanding others and how you can interact more harmoniously with them. 

But every time I get asked this question, regardless of whatever the design is for either of the people involved has, my answer is always the same: “Yes and no.” 

Here’s the deal: I don’t think there’s any one combination of Human Design elements that’s more or less compatible than another. 

There are teachings in Human Design that say that Profile or combined defined energy centers (this gets into connection/composite charts) can indicate compatibility.

But, at least in my opinion, those teachings are dogmatic and paint an incomplete picture of what true compatibility is in Human Design. 

Here’s what matters most in terms of compatibility between two people: are you both individually living in alignment with your designs? 

On paper, you and another person could be “compatible” per traditional Human Design teachings. But if one - or both - of you aren’t living in alignment with your individual design, then conflict and struggle is going to be much more likely to crop up in your relationship, no matter the nature of it. 

Alternatively, you and another person could be “incompatible” per traditional Human Design, but if you’re both living your designs properly, there’s a much greater likelihood that you’ll find harmony in your relationship. 

And beyond that, each design is SO unique (especially when you get down into the nitty gritty stuff like gates and channels and circuitry), that how a relationship will play out isn’t something that can be predicted or dictated by Human Design. Nor should it be. 

At the end of the day, Human Design is a tool. 

It’s not meant to predict things or doom you or your relationships. 

Human Design, or any spiritual modality, should never be used as an excuse for why a relationship isn’t working OR to give you false hope around a relationship that isn’t healthy for you.

It’s just a tool to help you self-reflect so you can learn to trust your inner-guidance, understand others, and navigate life with more confidence.

So where does that leave us with compatibility in Human Design?

Even though there aren’t any markers in a chart that I refer to in order to determine how compatible two charts are, I still use Human Design all the time (both in my own life and in my clients) to help me create better relationships - and even co-create money more effectively with others

But the way we go about it is to look at HOW Human Design can help increase our compatibility, rather than looking to it to dictate it. 

So I’ll offer you what I often offer my clients in this situation…

Instead of asking “Is my Human Design compatible with this other person?”, I encourage my clients to ask questions like:

  • How can I use Human Design to understand this other person better?

  • How can I use Human Design to bring out the best in this other person?

  • How can I use Human Design to better communicate with this other person?

  • How can I use Human Design to strengthen our relationship? 

  • How can I use Human Design to shine a light on where I’m not living my design (or the other person isn’t living their design), and what can I do to gently shift that? 

Where can I find more info on how to use Human Design to improve my relationships?

In the past, I’d say “book a private reading” - whether with me or another Human Design reader - to get insight into how you can best use Human Design to improve your relationships in all areas of your life. 

And that’s still a great piece of advice! 

But if you want something a bit more affordable and available NOW, then I’ve got you covered! 

I’ve recently created two masterclasses that give specific info and tips on leveraging Human Design in relations:

  • Human Design + Relationships masterclass (the basics of Human Design in any type of relationship - be it professional or professional)

  • Human Design + Co-Creating Money masterclass (how to use Human Design to co-create money with others - again, this applies to all professional and personal relationships)

BOTH of these masterclasses are only available in the HD HQ membership for a ridiculously low price ($22/month if you enroll before September 15) + so much more HD content and community!  

I’d love to get to share both of them with you and get to personally connect more with you inside of the membership. 

Click here to get all the details on the HD HQ membership and join today to get immediate access! 

P.S. Note that the Co-Creating Money masterclass will be released into the HD HQ membership on Sep. 18. The Relationships masterclass is already in there!