Why You Don't Need a Certification to be a Human Design Reader


A few months ago, I released a Human Design reader training program.

It was a huge hit and so many people have enrolled in the program and gone on to start successfully book readings.

But one of the most common questions I continually get about The Ultimate Human Design Reader Resource is: Do you offer a certification for completing the program?

My answer is: No.

Here is why I do not offer a certification for the program - and why you don’t need one to be a successful reader:

  1. I’m a “certified Human Design reader” - but my certification doesn’t really mean anything.
    I took a program (that I loved!), but the person running it said “You’re certified because you took this program.” There was no test, no coaching, no way to confirm that I actually took in and understood the content that was taught. Basically, anyone who had enough money to buy the program was "certified" - and that doesn't really sit right with me.

  2. Certifications are BS.
    Most certifications in the spiritual and coaching industries are ego-driven - at least in my opinion. If having a certification helps you feel more confident in whatever you’re practicing, that’s valuable! BUT it doesn’t indicate how skilled you are at whatever you’re doing.

  3. No one has EVER asked to see my certification or if I’m certified before booking a reading with me.
    What sells people on my readings/teachings is me, my energy, my reading style, my ability to live my design, and my marketing. And even if someone DID ask to see my certification, they'd have no way of knowing if it came from a reputable program or not (unless they're deeply immersed in the HD world).

  4. Let’s keep some perspective about what Human Design is: it’s a system that was “channeled” by some guy a couple decades ago after he heard “a Voice”.
    Some practitioners may tell you that Human Design is scientifically backed, but it’s not. There are elements of science that it fits with (like neutrinos and quantum theories), but it’s not PROVEN by science. Let’s not take Human Design - or any spiritual modality - too seriously. If it works for you, then embrace it. But don’t give any of your power away to it.

  5. In order to offer a certification in good conscience, I’d have to have some way to personally test & mentor people who purchased the program.
    I’m having a baby soon, so that’s not an option. Plus, doing that would drive the price of the program up by A LOT - and from the start I know I’ve wanted this to be AFFORDABLE. So in the interest of keeping this program affordable and honoring my energy, I'm not going to be offering that hands-on mentoring/testing (though who knows...maybe in the future I'll open up personal HD mentoring to people who have already purchased the program).

  6. It's not the certification that makes you a skilled Human Design reader - it's YOU and your commitment to it.
    The only reason I’ve become so skilled at Human Design readings was because I committed myself to honing the skill over the last couple years & finding extra resources that would help fill in the gaps from my “certification” program. And that’s why I created The Ultimate Human Design Reader Resource, so you have in-depth info at your fingertips on TONS of aspects of Human Design - not just the basics. But it’s up to you to practice, push yourself to develop your own style, get better at it, and shift your mindset to BELIEVE in your abilities (and I offer some quick tips for that in the program as well).

TLDR; I don’t think certifications mean much in the spiritual community and I don’t think you need one to be successful.

If you still really WANT a certification, that’s totally fine!

There are a lot of great certification programs out there for you to explore - but The Ultimate Human Design Reader Resource probably isn’t for you.

If you want:

  • Quality education on the Human Design system (whether to use to offer in-depth readings, as a tool with your clients, or just for your own personal interest)

  • General tips for structuring, pricing, offering, and mastering the art of readings

  • A self-paced program you can move through at your own pace and dive into to whatever degree YOU choose to

  • All at an an affordable price

...then I’d love to share this program with you!

Click here to get all the details and unlock immediate access to The Ultimate Human Design Reader Resource!