Hi! I’m Taylor Eaton!
I’m a money mindset coach & Human Design expert who loves to help entrepreneurs step into their limitless potential in their business!
I’m a certified Human Design reader and I’ve been using Human Design to craft business strategies in my business and my clients’ businesses for two years.
I’m passionate about seeing entrepreneurs feel empowered to do business THEIR way. Because for the first year or so in my business, I struggled.
And I mean it - I struggled.
I followed the strategies I was supposed to. I posted consistently on social media. I journaled myself to death trying to identify my ideal client. I gave away freebies. I nurtured my audience. I worked every spare hour I had. I did ALL THE THINGS right.
And yet I still struggled to make even $2,000 (and that was on a good month).
It wouldn’t be until about a year in my business when I would figure out where I was going wrong…
The way I was doing business wasn’t working for me because I was following strategies that worked for OTHER people.
There’s nothing wrong with replicating strategies that have been proven to work for other people (we don’t need to always be reinventing the wheel).
But the way I was approaching business didn’t take into account the fact that we’re all wired differently - meaning there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to business.
And it wasn’t until I really started diving deep into my Human Design that I realized that most of the strategies I was using in my business weren’t playing to my natural strengths.
So I tossed out the rules of what most people say that you need to do to be successful and make money.
Instead, I focused on listening to my intuition, strengthening my mindset, and implementing simple strategies that felt GOOD (instead of what I was “supposed” to do) - and so much of that came from understanding my Human Design.
Suddenly business got to be fun.
Clients were sliding into my DM’s asking how they could work with me.
I completely ditched cold messaging and sleazy sales tactics.
My income skyrocketed from $2,000 months to $20,000 months.
I focused on working less and honoring my intuition more.
My launches started to effortlessly sell out in record time.
I retired my husband from his 9-5, we moved across the country to our dream home, and now spend our time hiking with our dogs and sleeping in.
Basically…I created my own rules for what a successful business looks like.
I know that the road to success looks wildly different for everyone. And that’s why I love helping online entrepreneurs to leverage their mindset, energy, and Human Design to build a business that works for THEM.
So if you’re ready to revolutionize the way you do business so that it feels good to you and creates massive income & impact, click here to find out how to work with me.